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Team Impact


We enjoy spreading the message of FIRST in our community and giving back in any way we can. We plan on expanding this list greatly in the coming year.

  • We volunteer at concession stands to help support Belle Plaine Schools

  • We demonstrate to the Elementary schools to show what FIRST does

  • The Feast - helping setup and run a city-wide Thanksgiving meal for the community

  • Organize and run a week-long summer camp for 4th-6th graders to learn robotics, we did two weeks again this year.

  • Robotics showcases at the Scott County Fair


Many team alumni have completed or are pursuing degrees in STEM related fields

The robotics team led 4th-6th graders in a weeklong camp during the summer to teach engineering and coding. The theme for week one was deep sea, week two was robot olympics.

Belle Plaine Robotics 2013-2025

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